Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dear Becca Stevens...

Dear Becca Stevens,

Thank you for all that you are, all that you believe, and all that you do.  Your influence reaches far beyond who you see, how far they see, how far they see, and on.

Our Women's Group, GLOW, began using breath and meditation at the end of our devotional hour together each week, and then added your approach to the healing power of essential oils (Snake Oil). We have been using our breathing and oils to reduce rage, increase clarity and perspective, and feel better in general.

So far we have come up with two unique blends, mixed with Almond Oil.  We call them GLOW and DIRECTION.  Research and Development will continue...

You came and spoke in Birmingham twice this October, once again inspiring us all. A few friends from GLOW heard you speak and connected the power of your advocacy and the strength of your commitment to healing with the oils and breathwork we use every Tuesday.
You are gift.
You are changing lives.

Thank you for Magdalene House, for Thistle Farms, for Thistle Stop Cafe, for being a CNN Heroine of the year (everyone vote HERE).
Thank you for A Path Appears.
Thank you for all of your books and writings and tweets and links.

As you continually remind us, Love Heals Every Body.
Love wins and namaste,

 *GLOW Women's Group is a loving attempt to build bridges, hold hard conversations, and demand that love wins - Every Single Time. Each conversation is a plank in the bridge, edging closer to justice, one board at a time. Join us in the connecting.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I saw Ms. Stevens speak @ the Urban Ministry fundraiser on October the 6th, and I was truly blessed beyond measure. She is a profiund woman that God is truly blessing and working through to bless others. I commend you Becca Stevens. Thank you so much.

    Love Jessica Harris A*K*A Sunshine; GLOW member since 2012
