Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wisdom from Group 10.25.16

Little Nuggets of Wisdom from Group this Week:

Hurt people hurt people.

Love them from a distance. Pray for those who hurt you.

Identify who is your Family, and who are just your Relatives.

You can't change your family. They gone be who they gone be.

Silence keeps you sick. There's no healing in silence.

"Imma pop my collar on that one!" (meaning I'm proud of myself for that!)

Give power to the positive, not the negative.

Them: You're too ugly. You're too fat. No one will ever want you.
You: I deserve better. I am a child of the most high God. Yes, I am.

God: I'm trying to get to your problem! YOU are in my way!

No man should ever hit you.

 *GLOW Women's Group is a loving attempt to build bridges, hold hard conversations, and demand that love wins - Every Single Time. Each conversation is a plank in the bridge, edging closer to justice, one board at a time. Join us in the connecting.